Personal Finance: Mini Book Review: Financially Fearless

In writing Thriving in Sex Work: Sex Work and Money, I read dozens of personal finance books. This blog series consists of reviews of books I think sex workers could benefit from. I’m aware, however, that nearly all personal finance books aren’t geared towards the specific issues sex workers face. So I’ve done my best to provide a down-and-dirty roadmap of what to expect— the good and the bad, and why I think any particular book might be useful to you.

Financially Fearless, by Alexa von Tobel

I recommend this book to: Everyone.

Because: The very best practical personal finance book I’ve read on the subject of budgeting.

Action Verbs: Managing, Budgeting, Tracking 

Key Takeaways: 50/30/20 Budget (take it for a spin yourself here); the important of budgeting; happiness points; protecting yourself

Heartfelt to Practical Ratio:   5/9

Strengths: Good blend of emotional accessibility with practical advice

Trigger warnings: Tone: chipper, status-y, and square. This chick went to Harvard, and she lets ya know. Assumes you work for someone else, and your life goals are upward mobility, college, partners, careers.